Recents in Beach

Android Hack By Dendroid

NOTE: Hacking is a illegal activity so don't try on anyone. this tutorial is Only for educational purpose. If you want to use this tutorial for miscellaneous purpose please stop reading.  

1. Hosting account with PHP & MySQL support.
2. Dendroid source download Now Click here.
3. Android Studio download Now Click here.
Get Started :

Step:1 Create a hosting account if you don't have any.
Now create a MySQL database and note down the following information like (database name,database user_name,database password,MySQL host/ip)
Step:2 After downloading Dendroid.rar extract it.

Step:3 Now extract Dendroid and go to Dendroid Panel/Panel/ now open the following files and replace "" with your domain name.:
Step:4 applysettings.php

Step:5 blockbot.php

Step:6 clearawaiting.php (Also change < ? to < ? php in first line)

Step:7 clearmessages.php (Also change < ? to < ? php in first line)

Step:8 deletebot.php

Step:9 deletefile.php

Step:10 deletepics.php

Step:11 functions.php

Step:12 table.php

Step:13 Now open reg.php and do the following changes : 
Step:14 Now open the following files and locate if($_GET['Password'] == "keylimepie") change " keylimepie " with your Database password :
Step:15 get.php

Step:16 get-functions.php

Step:17 new-upload.php

Step:18 upload-pictures.php

Step:19 Now open Dendroid Panel folder and navigate to Dendroid Panel/Other Files and create zip of the "SQL.sql" remember zip not rar.
Open your control panel and navigate to your phpMyAdmin. Now click on Import and select the file and click on Go at the bottom of the page.
Step:20 Now upload all the files and our database is all setup .Now go to your panel for eg. "" if everything went right you will see something like this.
Step:21 Now click on Begin Setup you will be navigated to the following screen. Now start filling all the details that you took note of in the step 1. Add all the other values as entered in the image and click on Continue .
Step:22 If every thing went will you will directed to the following screen. Click on Finish Setup .
Step:23 Now leave the Web_Pane it there. And extract "".

Step:24 Open Android Studio and Click on "Open Existing Project", now navigate to the folder "Dendroid Apk".

Step:25 Now select Project Files as done in the image below.
Step:26 Now open located in '"src/com"/connect /' if you can't and the FIle just take a look at the image below.
Step:27 Now go this website and encode the following variables 29 value as directed.
1 encodeURL = the address of your panel eg.
2 backupURL = if you have a backup panel then enter its address if not then use the encoded url
3 encodedPassword = your encoded password
4 Now its almost done save the File and click on Build>>Make Project. Note this will create a Unsigned apk to create a Signed apk click on Generate Signed Apk .
5 Now after compilation is completed you should have a new folder named out there you can and your apk that is needed to be installed in the victims mobile.

Legal Disclaimer : This tutorial is completely for educational purpose only. For any misuse of this tutorial by any means the author will not be held responsible.  

If you have any queries Please comment my posts. 

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